Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 21, 2008

We Don't Know What His Name Is, But Here He Is!

So, we're not completely sold on LT. It just doesn't have the ring to it that Tini did, so we're going to stick with Tini until something better comes along. And no, Butters is not something better, but nice try. We might not find something until he's born, and then he'll get a real name. In the meantime, maybe our amazingly talented Webmaster will change the mantini up there from pink to blue.

Tini at 21 weeks!

Here, he's sucking his thumb. Awwww.

Feet! Hooray for feet!

And finally, the crowning achievement of Tini's gestation. His first monkey screech!

Tini-Meter: Awesome!!!


  1. Finally! These pictures were worth the wait. Tini is adorable

  2. Awwwwwww!!

    I say just keep Tini. I'll make the page blue and we'll call it a day.

  3. I agree, he is pretty great!

    Ash, someday I'll post a belly shot, I promise.

    Thank you, very talented webmaster, for caring for our blog. I look forward to seeing it tomorrow.

  4. wow, Suzi has put the pressure on Christina. You better get that page blue STAT.

  5. Maybe you've decided to stick with Tini...

    But since he's undoubtedly a die-hard Penguins fan, might I suggest Malkini?


  6. The monkey skreech is fierce! He may be small, but he can stand up for himself. Go, Tini, go!

  7. How about Marty? Nobody is cooler than Michael J. Fox's character in Back to the Future, and it is short for Mar-tini

  8. Okay, this page needs to be updated already.

  9. just have to give my two cents- Ashlynne's sister here and I like the sound of Little Dude.

    also like Tini....

