Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello, Third Trimester!

I wish we had a good excuse for why we haven't updated TiniWorld in over a month, but we don't. I expect we'll pay more attention to the blog (and him) once he arrives in August. And no pictures to post this time, but we have our 3D ultrasound next Saturday, so check back then!

Suzi is still doing well, but she's not looking forward to the downsides that the third trimester brings. She gets tired a little earlier, and since she's been pretty busy at work, our favorite activities have become napping and loafing. I'm not complaining.

Tini has been much more active recently, which might explain why Suzi has had less energy. In addition to being able to feel him move more, we can even see him moving sometimes, which is ridiculously amazing.

Thanks for checking in, and we'll be back with pictures for sure in a little over a week!

TiniMeter: a two pound head of cauliflower! Whoa!


  1. Yay! Thanks for the update! I'm thinking about the three of you!

  2. Yay for the third trimester!! Suzi, don't worry, I thought it was pretty easy and I was no where near as tired as I was during the first trimester. Just take it easy and enjoy because in just a few short months, you'll find out what it really means to be tired!! :)

  3. I will take a nap in your honor. All of yours honor. xoxoxo sending much love
