Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 29, 2008

First night out sans Brady

We did it! To celebrate Jim's 30th birthday, we went out for the
first time without Brady and left him in the capable care of his
Grandma and Grandpap. We had a great dinner but also enjoyed coming
back home to our little boy.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jumping Bean

I had a feeling Brady was going to be an active little boy given how much he moved and kicked when I was pregnant. For that reason, I wasn't really surprised when he rolled over at 3-weeks or by the fact that he can now slightly catapult himself forward during tummy time. Jumping is another activity that he loves. For a while now we have been sitting in front of our full-length mirror in the hallway and letting him watch himself jump. It is always an instant cure for fussiness as he can't help but laugh at watching himself jump.

So, over the weekend, Jim and I ventured out to Babies R Us and got him a jumper, and, right now it may be the best purchase we have made to date. He LOVES it. His feet can't touch the ground yet so Jim made a little platform for him.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Jim and I have really been slackers with this whole blog thing lately. In our defense, November has been so busy and I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. Where is the time going?

So, let's see, what have you missed...

Our friends Mark & Fran took a quick break from all of their Obama campaigning and came to DC for a visit. Malena and Jameson hosted a wonderful brunch in their honor and we spent the afternoon catching up and reminiscing about our lives in California. It was great but made me so homesick for Palo Alto and our Thursday night meet-ups at Plutos... especially since it is FREEZING here!

The Rodcocks and the Sheepays

The boys and the baby

Franny & Britt with Brady

The following weekend Brady had his first road trip to Philly to visit his future college roommates, Chase and Nolan and to meet some of our old college friends at the 6th Annual Chick's Tavern Day. Christina and Andrew were the most wonderful hosts and had nearly everything that Brady needed. They spoiled us and I know our next trip won't be quite as easy.

Brady on his way to Philly

Brady suggests a monkey theme for their future dorm room

Chase vetos that idea by tackling Brady

sweet little boy

The Annual Chick's Tavern Day is hosted by our friend Amy at her family's bar in Bridgeport, PA. Every year for the last away game of the Penn State football season they host a party and it has become a mini college reunion for us. It was great to see everyone, although we missed you Jon, Fred & Liz. (thanks for letting me swipe these pictures from your blog, Christina)

All dressed up and ready to go

Brady bjorned at the bar

Maureen & Brady

Uncle Shortie & Brady

On Sunday before we left, we met up with the Gerstbergers for breakfast. It was the first time we were all together with our boys and it was so wonderful! We've come a long way since our days at 318 W. Nittany Ave.

Christina & Chase, Ashlynne & Nolan and Me & Brady

As I mentioned earlier, it is freezing here. Over the last week the weather has quickly turned from the refreshing fall weather to the bone chilling temperatures of winter that I always dread. Luckily I got Brady his warm fleece bundler early so we have still been able to get out for our daily walks. He's so cute all bundled up.

All bundled up and ready to go

So warm and cozy

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

3 months

Last Thursday was Brady's 3 month birthday. I truly cannot believe it, our life pre-baby seems light years away. I remember the first week we were home from the hospital my mom asked me if I could remember my life before Brady and I remember thinking, hell yes, I remember it. It was so easy. Jim and I could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. We could sleep as long and as much as we wanted (we were big fans of sleep pre-baby). Everyone tells you it is hard being a parent but until you are in the situation and have this little guy depending on you for EVERYTHING, you have no idea how hard it really is.

Fast forward, 3 months and I have such a hard time remembering life before Brady. He has brought so much joy and amazement to our lives. Each day brings new challenges and new amazing developments. We still can't do whatever we want at the drop of a hat and we are definitely not sleeping much (although that is improving everyday), but I wouldn't change that for the world. God has blessed us with this unexpected gift and I look forward to everyday that I have to share with him. Happy Birthday, Brady, we love you more than you'll ever know.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Woo Hoo

What an exciting day! Jim and I actually stayed up for all of the coverage and acceptance speech last night. For any of you with infants that still don't sleep through the night, you may appreciate the significance of that. I am so excited that Brady is going to get to grown up in a country where anything is possible. President Elect Obama. Wow... what a wonderful day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Brady proudly performed his civic duty today, which was to accompany us to the polls and look ridiculously adorable in his Vote Now onesie. We were a little hesitant to take him since we knew there would probably be long lines, but we were hoping that it wouldn't be too bad around 10:00am. We were lucky to find out that there was no line at all! We took a few pictures outside the church, voted in about 5 minutes, then went to Starbucks for our free coffee.

Brady patiently waiting for us to get ready to go to the polls

All bundled up and ready to go

Jim and Brady right before we headed inside the church to vote

Brady was completely wiped out after all of the voting excitement