Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jumping Bean

I had a feeling Brady was going to be an active little boy given how much he moved and kicked when I was pregnant. For that reason, I wasn't really surprised when he rolled over at 3-weeks or by the fact that he can now slightly catapult himself forward during tummy time. Jumping is another activity that he loves. For a while now we have been sitting in front of our full-length mirror in the hallway and letting him watch himself jump. It is always an instant cure for fussiness as he can't help but laugh at watching himself jump.

So, over the weekend, Jim and I ventured out to Babies R Us and got him a jumper, and, right now it may be the best purchase we have made to date. He LOVES it. His feet can't touch the ground yet so Jim made a little platform for him.


  1. That is so cute. That is how Gina was. I kid you not, the child was lifting her head off of my shoulder at 4 weeks! She is non stop now, until you buckle her in the car seat or lay her in bed

  2. Superwiggle jumperbean! I love to watch his little smiles as he kicks!
