Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Aquarium

Last Saturday we took a quick drive up to the Baltimore Aquarium. I tried taking Brady to the zoo a few weeks ago and he was less than impressed with the animals lazily laying around on the ground, but we were hopeful that the quick little fish would capture his attention more. We were right because he was absolutely fascinated by everything at the aquarium.

There was a group of these bubble filled lighted tubes and
Brady loved watching the bubbles float up.


The rainforest room


Lunch time at the cafe


  1. That looks like so much fun! I'm so glad you all had such a good time and that Bradykins liked it so much. Andrew and Glenn took Chase to the Aquarium in Camden last weekend and he loved it. We'll have to take both boys together sometime!!

  2. The Baltimore Aquarium is one of my favorite places ever! I love that Jim and Brady have the exact same expression in that first picture...they are so cute together!

  3. Yippeee! Brady and I can compare notes about the ocean next week. I'm sorry to see that his hair is now going the wrong direction. Down, instead of UP.
