Last week was a busy week for the boy, starting with a visit from some of my co-workers. It was great to see them and they were so nice to bring me and Jim some delicious pizza and wine! It was my first glass since who knows when and it was wonderful. Also, Jim gave Brady a bottle for the first time that night. Brady took the whole bottle but it was definitely a struggle. Since then he has taken the bottle a few more times and he is tolerating more and more each time.
It was also a busy week for visitors coming throughout the week. On Tuesday our friend Erik was in town for the day and he took time out of his busy schedule to stop by to meet the little guy. Afam was in town for the weekend for a fund raising event for his foundation and since we couldn't make the event, he came over on Thursday. On Friday, Stokes came in from NYC and spent the afternoon with me and Brady. Then on Saturday, Ashlynne, Matt & Nolan and Jill & Pete came down from Philly! It was great to see everyone and it was wonderful to show off our little man. Thank you all for making the effort to see us!
Jim went back to work on Wednesday last week and within five minutes of him leaving Brady had spit-up on me three times, had a leaky diaper, had an explosive poo on the changing table, and then one more spit-up for good measure. Thanks, Brady. Way to make the transition easy. Luckily, that morning wasn't an indicator of how the rest of the week would go.
And finally, last week Brady had his one month check-up and he passed with flying colors. He weighed in at 9.5 lbs! Four pounds more than when he left the hospital. He also got his second Hepatitis B shot and he was so good. He definitely cried when it happened but he didn't get too fussy afterwards and slept almost the entire evening.
Now we're at 6-weeks and I can't believe how far we've come. The first few weeks were amazing but they were so stressful and overwhelming. At this point we still have some overwhelming moments but for the most part we're just enjoying our wonderful little boy. Now on to the pictures...
Jim and Brady bonding over the bottle while I relax and enjoy a break from feeding
All ready for the Penn State game! Since all of the PSU outfits are too big for the little guy this Gap outfit has to do for now.
Totally wiped out after an exciting week
oh my gosh! He is certainly a growing boy, he has changed so much! I love his mohawk hair do, he looks so huggable. I bet it was just as hard for Jimmy to go to back to work as it was for you to be by yourself for the first time. Glad to hear that things are wonderful, thanks for the updates!