Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rice Cereal

We were preparing to start Brady on solid foods on his 6 month birthday, which is this coming Friday. But, we got this new high-chair last weekend and what better time to start trying solid foods than right after we got it out of the box? We started with rice cereal and next we will be moving on to sweet potatoes. Hopefully, he'll like that better than the rice cereal.

Hey, Brady, you have somthing there... on your chin... yeah, there.

Yum! Delicious!


  1. Suzi,
    He is adorable - even when he's gagging on cereal! Don't worry, Olivia had the exact same reaction to cereal, but loves her veggies and fruit. I'm sure the sweet potato will be a hit!

  2. Chase hated rice cereal, so we switched to oatmeal (only slightly less gross) and he did much better. Once we started fruits and veggies, solids were a hit.

    And I can't get over his hair! It's so long! And no longer sticking straight up!! What a big boy!

  3. there must be a reason that none of us grownups eat rice cereal for meals. And why some grownups eat Cheetos for meals.... (just a hint...)
