Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa Baby

I finally got Brady's picture with Santa this week. We tried last weekend but the line was 2 1/2 hours long and we aborted that attempt. That's what we get for going to a busy mall on the Sunday morning two weeks before Christmas. Since we live in the city and it isn't very convenient for us to get out to the mall, I had pretty much written off getting the shot. Luckily while my mom and I were out on Tuesday we ended up at the mall and there was Santa with no line!

Brady was so good. He had been fussy just a few minutes before, but as soon as he sat on Santa's lap he just relaxed. I'll be curious if he's that good next year...

Brady & Santa


  1. Suz, he looks so much like you in this picture!!

    I'm glad he was so happy for Santa for you!

  2. That is a great picture of Brady and a very good Santa. Maybe that is why Brady felt so relaxed.

  3. So cute! He is getting so big!

  4. Wow, I can't believe how big he looks! THat is too cute
