Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So, how much is an ultrasound machine?

As it turns out, you don't get an ultrasound each time you go to the OB office. What the crap? That's the coolest part of being pregnant! Our last visit was about 2 minutes long, and while hearing Tini's heartbeat was great, it wasn't nearly as cool as seeing Tini move around and sing and dance and do Tai-chi and all of the other amazing things that Tini can already do. If you have an extra ultrasound machine, please send it to us, ASAP (that includes you, Tom and Katie). Thanks!

In other news, Suzi is doing well despite being tired and occasionally exhausted (she is growing a Tini inside her after all). One of her new favorite activities is taking naps, which she used to avoid at all costs. That's fine by me because I don't need much of an excuse to take a nap. So, whenever she looks a little tired on the weekends, I'm happy to suggest a nap, run upstairs, fluff her pillow, get into bed, and fall asleep before she gets there. It's the least I can do for her. Something tells me that we won't be taking as many naps this fall, so I'm just going to enjoy this while it lasts.

Oh, and another thing that I had no idea existed before we hopped aboard this baby train (in addition to babymoons) is the Snoogle. What is the Snoogle, you ask? Well, it's a big C-shaped pillow that your wife loves more than you after the 10 o'clock hour. Ok, that might be a stretch, but I'm wondering how Suzi slept before the Snoogle arrived. Granted, it is pretty freaking comfortable and I might get one too, but... yeah, I need to get one too.

We'll try to update this more than once every two weeks, and promise a post early next week after our next appointment. Thanks for checking in!

Tini-Meter: This week, Tini is the size of an avocado. Hooray!


  1. Ah, the Snoogle. It saved me.

    Jim, please get one for yourself just because.

  2. I remember someone saying (or blogging) about how the snoggle was a total cock block. Guess you're learning that first hand.

    I think I'd like to get myself a snoggle.

  3. My wife and I didn't think Tom Cruise was so crazy for buying an ultrasound machine after we had three screenings by her 18th week. Maybe it is cheaper to buy one and loan them out.

    Aw, the Snoogle is the best pillow ever. We have an extra one. You interested? I found you via Chase's mom's blog.

  4. an avocado is a good size to be. I would like you to post some picks of Suzi on here!
