Suzi is just past 33 weeks now, which means it's time to find a pediatrician or, at the very least, start looking. So, we had our first interview/visit this afternoon and it went really well. The four doctors there seem extremely capable and we both really like the primary doctor who spent the most time with us. To boot, the exam rooms have different cultural themes and they have key child-related services (that I didn't know existed 2 months ago) like a lactation consultant, baby sign language classes and baby yoga classes.
For those of you clamoring for pictures from the baby showers, we intend on posting some pictures from the past two weekends once we get them from Suzi's dad. Stay tuned... but don't hold your breath.
In the meantime, you'll have to settle for knowing that we met the Mayor of DC at our pediatrician visit today (by met, we mean saw in the waiting room with his two sons but didn't want to creep out by saying, "Hey, you're the Mayor of DC!"). And we know it was him because of these four clues:
1. His face looked just like the Mayor's face.
2. He had DC flag cuff links.
3. He had
several Blackberries.
4. One of the doctors called him by his first name.
This was another reason we liked our pediatrician so much - if she's good enough for the Mayor's kids, she's good enough for our son!
Tini-Meter: pineapple!